Introducing Self-Ligating Braces 2017

January 23, 2017

Understanding How Self-Ligating Braces Work. Having your teeth straightened is an essential part of achieving a healthy and beautiful smile. There is a wide range of teeth straightening options available to you or your children. The most modern of which are self-ligating braces. This type of orthodontic application comes with its own unique advantages that may make it the preferable option for you. Understanding how these appliances work will provide you with the information necessary to make an informed purchase decision.



What Are Self-Ligating Braces?

As opposed to metal brackets, this system uses special orthodontic hardware in an attempt to more accurately straighten your teeth. When using traditional teeth straightening methods, the appliance consists of three components, a brace, archwire, and tie. This appliance eliminates the need for a tie to keep the archwire in place and is a more comfortable alternative to standard metal brackets.

How This Appliance Works

With this newer system, the elastic or metal ties are completely eliminated, making for a much more aesthetically appealing look. Instead, a movable component is installed that allows for the re-positioning of your teeth without the need for manual tightening. The movable component requires far fewer adjustments throughout the course of your treatment. This also reduces the number of visits required to make to the orthodontist. Instead, these wires are always moving as your teeth move. There are three aspects of these braces that set them apart from other solutions. For one, the elastic ties on standard orthodontic appliances have a tendency to build up plaque and be particularly irritating at times. By eliminating the usage of ties, you can more readily keep your teeth clean and healthy. The wires are also of a premium design and will assist in moving your teeth quicker than alternatives. It's a treatment that's comfortable. The sliding mechanism reduces basic friction and binding. You or your child won't feel much of anything when adjustments are made. Given that they don't need to be manually adjusted on a regular basis, your teeth should be straightened quicker than with standard metal appliances. Archwires are held together with the inclusion of ties. The standard movement of your teeth can feel awkward and stilted at times.  With self-ligating appliances, your teeth move freely without the feeling that they are being held back by ties as the wires move automatically. This also makes the brackets and wires easy to clean.

Benefits for Selecting This Appliance

There are a wide array of notable benefits to using this teeth straightening method when compared to other options.
  • The usage of a movable component lessens the need for manual adjustments. This means that your child won't have to visit the orthodontist as often. This also reduces the amount of time that you will need to wear the appliance before your teeth have moved into the optimal position.
  • Treatment with this appliance is almost six months shorter on average compared to traditional methods. In general, you should visit the orthodontist around seven times less than you would with traditional methods.
  • You'll also benefit from fantastic results when compared to similar teeth straightening options. This method can read your facial proportions as your teeth, smile, and your bite align. This extra detail will ensure that your smile is beautiful and natural.
Given that this solution doesn't require the use of ties, you won't need to go through the regular tightening of the ties. This can lead to some pain and discomfort. This is also a huge benefit to your teeth and their surrounding tissues, as regular tightening of the ties and wires can cause some issues with the overall durability of your teeth.   Self-Ligating

The Goodness Continues

  • Unlike traditional metal brackets, you also have the option of selecting a clear form of this solution, which means that they are practically invisible to others around you. This allows for a boost in confidence and will make you more comfortable when spending time with friends and family. It also provides you with the means of having a beautiful smile even during the teeth-straightening period.
  • This type of orthodontic appliance is gentle enough to the teeth that there's less of a chance for relapse following the conclusion of the treatment. With some types of teeth straightening methods, your teeth could actually move slightly back to their original positions.
  • When having your teeth straightened with aligners or similar solutions, it's possible that you could suffer from a slight speech impediment. This is extremely unlikely with these brackets. The elimination of ties and proper placement on the teeth make them less intrusive with your speech than you might expect.
  • When using ties around the brackets, it's much easier for food to become trapped in the bracket. This can be difficult to clean. The removal of ties means food no longer gets trapped and you can be confident that they are clean when you finish eating.


While the components used with this system are high quality and of a premium nature, the costs are comparable to more traditional solutions. This means that you won't need to break the bank to receive the added benefits of this method. This type of appliance works well at treating even severe crowding issues, as well as misaligned teeth and an improper bite. You cannot remove the brackets during treatment. This ensures that they will properly move your teeth into their desired position. Another slight benefit of using this system is that the brackets tend to be somewhat smaller than the ones used with traditional options. They are typically less bothersome or noticeable. If you would like to have your teeth straightened and wish to know more about the procedures involved in doing so, contact King Orthodontics today to schedule your initial consultation.  

King Orthodontics 6460 Far Hills Ave Centerville OH 45459 Phone: (937) 433-0830

Introducing Self-Ligating Braces 2017

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