Why have TMJ Problems become Seasonal? [FACTS]

April 25, 2018

UPDATED 25-05-18 TMJ problems no more. In every spring, orthodontic offices usually receive a higher number of calls from patients who are seeking medication due to a suddenly appearing jaw pain.  Most parents also report their children, teenagers to having pain in their jaws, and this is coming with them experiencing trouble when eating, sleeping or studying. woman pain

TMJ Problems in Springtime?

The most surprising thing is that it happens at the same time during every year, and this is not a coincidence. In this article, we seek to explain why TMJ problems are often in spring among teenagers. Common signs and symptoms of TMJ include pain in jaw joints, facial muscles or even around the ear. Other people may feel pain around the neck or even shoulders.


When closing your mouth, the patients also witness clicking, popping or grating sounds. Other people may hear these noises and lack other symptoms. During the process of chewing or biting, the patients have a lot of difficulties, and this may even translate to poor appetite. Other signs include hearing loss, headaches, dizziness, ear pain, ringing in the ears as well as trouble when opening the mouth. Among student patients, late April and early May are the most stressful and busiest parts of the year. At this time, these students have projects, papers, graduation, tests and other responsibilities that have to occur by the end of their academic year. As a result, their bodies and minds are weighed heavily. These stress factors usually affect the eating and sleeping habits of these students. The way these students chew using their muscles is also affected. After an examination of the muscles, it is always vivid that the pain is found in the overlying lower molars, not in actual joints. Sore soreness that is found in the chewing muscles is a suggestion that the students have Parafunctional habits.   pain pills


If you wish to help people around this age, it is important to first recognize the cause of their pain. A practitioner should understand that the reason for this pain is because they’re in a stressful time of the year. In some instances, helping the teenager to know that they are grinding and trenching is usually good enough to let them stop the bad habits. Taking an over the counter medication such as Tylenol or Advil is also a good option. This reduces the pain in the jaws. Patients may also perform sample physical exercise with their jaws. This could be done by the activity of their elbow on the surface of the knee. The patient should then make a fist of their hands, and use the fist to support the jaws. When this done repeatedly, the mouth opening muscles are contracted and sore muscles are allowed to relax. The best thing is that when this time of the year has passed, most of the problems of this nature are no longer found among teenagers. We wish to say good luck to all our patients as they prepare to finish another academic year.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKR7SswW1vs

Here's the Kicker...

If you have ever experienced pains in your jaw or are faced with any other oral health issue or ailment, Kings Orthodontics are the professionals to get in touch with. Dr. Sam King will advise and talk you through any ailment within the mouth and what to do to rectify it.

Contact us today for the smile of your life

King Orthodontics 400 East Dayton Yellow Springs Rd. Fairborn, OH 45324 Phone: (937) 878-1561

Why have TMJ Problems become Seasonal?

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