Smile Quote No. 23: “Nothing Shakes the Smiling Heart.” - Santosh Kalwar
Santosh Kalwar once said that “nothing shakes the smiling heart”. This is because the power of a smile is far greater than any obstacle people encounter in their daily lives. Although most people are busy earning money, solving their problems, and building their families, they must never neglect one powerful ingredient of getting through the tough times. Smile can give warmth to your heart and to those around you.
One smile can take away all the pain that you are feeling not to mention it also affects the moods of those people who can see you. You might be reducing the pain you felt through a smile but who knows, you might also be doing the same for other people with burdens. It is one thing to make your pain go away but it’s another thing to make the sorrows of other people go away too. Don’t miss a single chance to
help others. If everyone sees the true power of a smile, the world would be a better place.
Don’t have the confidence to smile? Worry no more! Treating each patient with care and compassion, King Orthodontics is here to help.
Contact King Orthodontics now at: (937) 433 – 0830.
King Orthodontics, 400 East Dayton, Yellow Springs Rd. Fairborn, OH 45324
Phone: (937) 878-1561 Fax: (937) 433-9530
Smile: The Curve That Sets Everything Straight