Mouth Ulcers Remedy Checklist [2017]

December 24, 2016

Although using braces improves your oral health, appearance, and comfort, they can also cause temporary mouth ulcers at some point in time. Mouth ulcers appear on the lips or inner cheeks as a result of constant friction between the affected parts of your mouth and metal brackets. Fortunately, there are various ways to resolve this particular issue. Below is a comprehensive look at what you should do if you happen to get mouth ulcers during treatment. Included is how to stop the pain, prevent the development of mouth ulcers, and avoid infection.   smiling woman

Prevent the Development or Worsening of Mouth Ulcers

According to a leading orthodontist, having preventive options is beneficial regardless of whether or not you have already developed mouth ulcers. Some of the things listed below block the brackets from making contact with your lips and inner cheeks while others make your mouth less prone to irritation or reduce abrasion.  

Use Orthodontic Wax

Applying and removing this unique wax is relatively easy. In the same way as soft beeswax, an orthodontic wax is mostly available in sticks that allow you to break off bits in the required size. All you need to do is pull off a portion, warm it between your fingers, and then press it onto the abrasive brackets. You will feel the difference immediately. As opposed to rough brackets, you will end up enjoying a smooth and entirely comfortable surface. The wax also stands up to saliva because it is waterproof, which means it won’t break down quickly. However, you need to ensure you check the wax on a regular basis, replace it whenever necessary, and remove it before you brush or floss.  

Stay Hydrated

If you don’t take adequate amounts of water, your saliva will diminish. Having a dry mouth worsens abrasion since it basically means that the inner cheeks and brackets will be less slippery. Apart from keeping you hydrated, sipping water on a regular basis stimulates the production of saliva. The antibacterial effect of saliva helps to keep infections from developing in ulcers that could be appearing.  

Use Silicone Covers

In the same manner as orthodontic wax, silicone covers keep the brackets from making contact with your lips and inner cheeks. Silicone is bound to last a lot longer since it doesn’t break down over time. As you may well now, wax breaks down over time. However, the brackets have to be completely dry before you can apply silicone covers, which you might find inconveniencing.  

Use Antiseptic Rinses

In just the same way as salt water, antiseptic rinses kill bacteria living in the mouth even though they are not nearly as cheap as salt water.  

Try Rinses and Gels

Apart from forming a barrier over mouth ulcers, some products can also relieve discomfort. The barrier formed can last for more than a few hours depending on the type of rinse or gel. You will most likely find one if not more of these products at local drugstores.  

Stop the Pain Caused by Ulcers

Although you should expect some discomfort, especially after wire tightening, uncontrolled ulcers can cause long-lasting pains during treatment. However, you can restore comfort and make your entire experience with braces a lot easier by taking certain steps. The solutions include systemic and topical pain relief options.  

Avoid Certain Foods

A mouth ulcer is bound to hurt much more if it makes contact with something sour or spicy. You should, therefore, avoid spicy and sour foods if you have any active ulcer in your mouth. Although you may not suspect it, a significant number of foods and beverages contain high amounts of acid, including tomatoes, soda, and coffee. Remembering this fact is of vital importance. chillies

Take Over-the-counter Pain Relievers

Many over-the-counter pain relievers are as effective at fighting the pains caused by mouth ulcers as they are at relieving headaches. Because of their anti-inflammatory effects, using these drugs also helps to speed up the healing process. As such, your mouth ulcers might heal quicker if you take over-the-counter pain relievers.  

Use Topical Pain Relievers

A variety of products capable of relieving the pain caused by mouth ulcers once rubbed onto gums are currently available in drugstores. Although an orthodontist will use topical anesthesia to rub the gums before a procedure, you can source a product that acts in a similar manner from drugstores. While this solution has the potential to work surprisingly well for hours, maintaining the effects requires re-application.  

Avoid Infection

Because a mouth ulcer is literally an open wound, it is prone to infection, and you will most likely experience increased levels of pain if it becomes infected, which lets you know what is happening. Although infections tend to go away on their own, they can become serious issues if they worsen. This highlights the need to take one of the following approaches immediately you notice a developing ulcer.  

Rinse with Salt Water

Rinsing with salt water often works just as well for mouth ulcers as it does for sore throats. Salt is known to kill bacteria by dehydrating them. However, you will have to perform salt water rinses several times a day for them to be most effective. Mix a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt to make a powerful rinse. In addition, salt water has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling, which is bound to make you a lot more comfortable if you have mouth ulcers.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing on a daily basis is essential since it keeps bad bacteria from overgrowing in the mouth, especially if you are using braces since they often collect bacteria and food particles around the brackets. You can always get a floss threading tool if you find it hard to thread floss around. In addition, brushing after every meal during treatment minimizes the risk of infection even further. You can use the methods listed above to quickly address a problematic mouth ulcer during treatment. In addition, you can get personalized advice from a professional orthodontist about how to prevent and treat this issue. Contact King Orthodontics at your earliest convenience and learn more about how to stay comfortable and healthy during treatment.  

King Orthodontics 6460 Far Hills Ave Centerville OH 45459 Phone: (937) 433-0830

Mouth Ulcer Remedy Checklist 2017

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