Today's orthodontic treatments are far advanced from the clunky, chunky and often uncomfortable metal hardware of decades past. Lightweight, streamlined and in some cases nearly invisible, orthodontic hardware works its magic in record time. And in record numbers of patients.

In fact, while the majority of patients are still comprised of the younger set. Young adults and mature adults are increasingly seeking treatment as well. As of the American Association of Orthodontics 2014 study, nearly 1.5 million adults throughout North America had also been seen for orthodontic treatment!
Each year also brings with it new advances in the field, from more efficient and effective methodology to shorter than ever treatment times. One of the newest protocols has been designed to treat common orthodontic concerns in just six months! Read on to learn more about exactly how this program works and how to know if you are a good candidate.
Six Months to a Straight, White Smile
The new program takes just six months to work, and it uses traditional braces to swiftly move and align teeth into their new, healthy, permanent positions. But can a six-month treatment really achieve the same results as a normal course of orthodontic care?
Here, you may be wondering what the average length of treatment is for the typical patient who chooses braces. According to the National Institutes of Health (
NIH), the average course of treatment is around 23.1 months, or just shy of two years.
So it is not difficult to understand why this new treatment protocol has become so popular so quickly! Achieving your desired results quicker. You have fewer orthodontist office visits with less overall expense. Clearly, this is a win-win for both orthodontist and patient!
How the Six Month Treatment Works
The hardware used for the six-month treatment does not differ from the hardware used for the traditional orthodontic treatment. You can choose from clear, ceramic or metal braces installed on the front or back (
lingual) of teeth.
The overall approach also remains the same. The orthodontic specialist doing an initial patient consultation, taking a full set of X-rays of the teeth and jaws, doing a comprehensive oral exam and determining a course of individualized treatment from there.
What changes is the goal of the treatment. With short-term treatment, the orthodontist focuses on resolving issues that affect the cosmetic appearance of your smile as well as simple related
oral health issues. At the end of the six month period, you will emerge with a smile worthy of a close-up portrait shot.
Limitations of a Short-Term Treatment Approach
While a short-term treatment term may be perfectly suited to patients with minor oral health issues and appearance concerns that are mostly cosmetic in nature, this type of approach is not able to address more deeply seated bite and alignment issues.
Short-term orthodontic treatment uses what is called "low force" movement pressure to re-align crooked teeth located in visible (front) positions in the mouth. Low force movement can go to work quickly on minor orthodontic problems and achieve rapid results. However, this approach will not work well for more deep-seated orthodontic issues such as a severe overbite, underbite, crossbite or open bite.
For these types of more complex issues, a standard course of orthodontic treatment continues to be highly recommended.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Short-Term Treatment?
The ideal candidate for short-term orthodontic treatment is a patient with only minimal oral health concerns. People who simply desires an improved smile appearance. Since the short-term treatment approach focuses predominantly on the front-most teeth on both the upper and lower jaw, these patients are the most likely to be a good match in terms of treatment expectations and outcomes.
The only way to know for sure whether you are a good candidate for short-term orthodontic care is to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. King. After your initial oral exam, X-rays, and discussion, Dr. King can determine whether your specific oral health issues can be successfully resolved with a short-term approach.
Given today's fast-paced, modern lifestyle, it is easy to see why a short-term treatment approach would be very attractive. However, sometimes patients learn after their consultation that they have additional, more deep-seated oral health issues. Issues not resolved with a short-term treatment plan.
In this case, it is the patient's choice whether to take the extra time to fully resolve all oral health as well as cosmetic appearance issues or to simply focus on resolving cosmetic appearance issues of concern. Here, your orthodontic practitioner can serve as your advisor. Then guide to determine what is the best approach to your individual situation.
So Does a Short-Term Approach Really Work?
If you are a patient whose orthodontic concerns are primarily cosmetic and relate to the front (visible) top or bottom teeth, then the answer to this question is a resounding "yes." Six months is typically sufficient time to resolve issues that affect only a small group of visible teeth. Here, a consultation with Dr. King can help you design the best approach.
About King Orthodontics
Accordingly, Drs. Jack and
Sam King are the owners of King Orthodontics. A multi-generational family practice that is proud to call Ohio home. Both Doctors are Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics, an honor just one quarter of practicing orthodontists nationwide can claim! Both Doctors are also members of the prestigious Roth-Williams International Society of Orthodontics, of which Dr. Sam King has been the organizations youngest ever President.
Schedule your consultation with King Orthodontics - for the smile of your life
400 East Dayton, Yellow Springs Rd.
Fairborn, OH 45324
Phone: (937) 878-1561
6 Month Orthodontic Treatment [Amazing Facts]